Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Adam's Presentation

Today Adam introduced our class to two quintets that I have played previously; the Malcom Arnold Quintet and Ewald's Quintet No.1. It was good to hear some brief feedback from others in the class about tempos and nuances of the piece.

I would love to get some more feedback, since there wasn't much time for discussion in class. So what I want to know is:

1. Comparing the two quintets, which did you like better? Why?

2. Are there any specific moments that you remember from the listening? What were they?

I know I've enjoyed playing each quintet for different reasons; the Arnold is GREAT because it has an extended trombone solo that is rubato and quite difficult. As a trombonist in quintet, it is really nice to have moments when you can lead the group and play expressively. The Ewald (although we didn't listen to all of it) is such a great example of full quintet writing; there is something for everyone in the Ewald.

Let me know your thoughts; thanks for choosing these pieces, Adam!


  1. I prefer the Malcolm Arnold quintet. Honestly, I cannot remember what the Ewald even sounded obviously had a huge impact on me. I remember realizing how it was similar to the Ewald quintet #2. I think that Ewald seems to have nice flowing melodies but he doesn't give equal opportunity to each instrument like Arnold does. Arnold has more challenging parts for the horn. That is one reason I like it. I also like the style of the Arnold quintet more as well. I especially like the jazz influence.

  2. I am a huge fan of the Malcolm Arnold. The composition was very advanced for its time and definitely treats each instrument as an equal part. The Ewald has it's place in the brass quintet repertoire, but as far as the tuba part, it mainly serves as an accompanying instrument.
